Tuesday, December 7, 2010
follow your heart ...

Monday, November 22, 2010
I Love You . .

I have a confession . .
I love you . .
I love the way you are looking to me . .
I love everything about you . .
I love you . .
I love you . .
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Sitting By the Window . .

We all try to hide . .
When we just need a tender touch . .
But no one at our side . .
Nothing but silence . .
And there is no other sound . .
Only the echo of our voice . .
Is all around . .
And sitting by the window. .
Not knowing what to do . . ?!
Since Every time i do something . .
Something else falls through . . !!!
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Roller Coaster Love !

Nobody knows when will be the Ups . . . !!!
Or when the Downs will happen. . !!!
No rules . . No warnings . .
With you all come in sudden . .!!!
Sometimes I believe it is meant to be. ..
So what the hell is going wrong . . . ??!
Do I search for love in you . . .
Where it doesn’t really belong . . !!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Should I . . . ?!

I wish you would know. .
Loads of feelings are inside. .
And Million of thoughts are running through my mind. .
You & Me. . !
Is it possible . . ??!
Us … Is it meant to be. . !!
"SIGH". . I don’t know what to do. . !!!
Should I lock my feelings up...???!
Or Should I confess to you . . ?!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
falling a part

I hate this feeling , I am filled with anger , i wish i could scream , but I don’t have enough energy to do so .. , this is increasing the heat inside me … no it is not heat it is so cold inside me , I miss you and i hate this about you.
I miss the warmth you gave me.. I feel so cold with out you... I don’t miss your love as much I miss your voice
how could I will adapt your absence, my loneliness in crowd …please come back to me again … please be the one i used to know , not the one i am afraid to meet ... i will never tell you that , i just speak it to my self in low voice away from you ..
Do not fall apart again... I am trying to convince my self, to stop obsessing over you ... in vain, keeping my self together is so hard to do alone .
I seriously believed you are my soul mate... What was the purpose to be in my life to break my heart and to let me down? was it your mission to proved that i am so weak to stand alone !!.
Monday, August 2, 2010
it hurts

Now you know that it hurts! You feel it so late, you played the role of the wise and you could not complete.
Let me tell you then, the feelings of me , a woman as you may see ..
to hurt a woman you do not need much, a simple easy word could wound and kill sometimes
Her feelings are so delicate and soft, like petals of flowers, and she knows how to blossom in every season with a new scent... A real woman finds a way to make an everlasting spring .
When she opens her heart door to you and gives you the keys, only not to lock you in.
You are not supposed to leave and return whenever you want, she hopes you enter and stay and when you go there is no way back, she will change the lock the minute you leave.
To love you by my choice and to keep you in my heart with all your freedom
But you betrayed me, when you thought you could own me. I treated you as a master and you treated me as a slave
I was watching you saying those words, and trying to prove that it was not you... but ooh it was you
Then I thought no it is not me you are talking to... but ooh it was me ,,
Then I thought no it is a dream , a night mare , but you prove it , wake up fool it is all true ..
Now you expect me to forgive! Or to forget or to pretend that it wasn't real !
Saying sorry don’t heal , it may cover my pain , to make me continue , but with out you ..
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I have a crush on You

But I have a crush on you . .
You always cross my mind . .
I even dream about you . .
Do you feel the same . . .
I don’t think you do . . !
At times I decide to reveal . .
The big secret I have . .
But wondering what would you say . .
About the feeling I do feel . .
May be I am not your type . .
Or not the girl you are waiting for . .
It really hurts as much as it seems . .
Or even may be more...
Thinking of you is not really enjoyable . .
In fact it is painful & no body will ever know . .
Because I am not a little girl . . !!
I am older than doing so . . .
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Cinderella dream

Perfectly as a fairy tale, in my white glowing dress and you are coming to me my beautiful prince
Taking my hand out of my magical coach ,helping me to stand right beside you
You came to me like a shining star , astonishing me, smiling to my heart saying with your eyes what your words cannot show
Together in moon light, your eyes shine so bright.
I hear my melody the one I shared with you, '' a Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes'' like the old tales
Clouds were singing asking me to dance, and you spread your glance on every thing around.
Here is my best part of the love song , if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true…
Take me to the never land, where very thing is possible and wishes are true.
Hours flaw in hurry, all glow disappeared, and a whisper in my ear Wake up Cinderella it is just a dream.
Laying on my coach thinking of the dream watching my mug of coffee trying to believe and just realized that am in my white dress!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
missing you

it is very hard to miss some one and dream to meet him and he is already there , and it is much harder to miss your self with him, the way he makes you feel , the tone you used to hear , it is like breathing and can't feel air….
Searching for you in your words, hearing some one voice sounds like yours
i may bear your absence for a wish of return but emptiness around you is a burning thing
Don't you miss home?! a time with me .
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Two Become One !

When there is always the word WE . . Instead of the word I .
Then two become one . . .
When I am safe with you . . And my soul has a glow .
No one can see . . You only will know .
Then two become one . . .
When I am whole in your eyes . . And there is nothing more we need to hide .
I love what is beyond you . . And you love who I am inside .
Then two become one . . .
When you hold me so close . . looking at each other & realize .
this laughter we live . . The sparkle in our eyes .
Then two become one . . .
When there is one way to walk . . together for a life .
The day I can say I do . . The day I will be your wife .
Then two become one . . .
RoU ,
Friday, June 25, 2010
A way Into Your Brain !!

To get what are in there . . .
Predict when you will steal a look. . .
Or when you will stare . . .
I wish I could make a way into your brain . . .
So that I would simply know . . .
Do you enjoy making me confused!!!
Then why i am be perfectly treated!!! And why I am suddenly abused!!!
I wish I could make a way into your brain . . .
And snoop what are those lousy whispers about?
Would you raise your voice?
Would you mind shouting them out?!
I wish I could make a way into your brain. . .
Because a question should be answered. .
Do you act naturally or you are self-centered????
I wish I could make a way into your brain. .
And reveal what your eyes hide . . .
I want to look through them. .
And picture me in your mind. .
I wish I could make a way into your brain . . .
To follow your feelings and see. .
Are you generally unemotional . . . ?!
Or it is about me. .
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Magical Way
Missing you my beautiful dream, how lonely i am and how long nights with out you..
i miss your tender voice that melts my sorrows, breaks my prison free my soul and brings me to you .
with every heart beat i think of you , i miss you, i need you here beside me , i dream of taking you to where you belong to the garden you planted in my life , inside my heart.
i can't remember when you planted those seeds of love inside my heart , i just remember how tender and sweet you cared after them , how you embrace them with your warmth .
i forgot how my life was with out you , as if i never lived before .
i need you for the rest of my life , i could be your slave if you were my master, i could be your prisoner if you were my prison , but the most i love about you is that you make me your queen ,you gave me my freedom and i chose your chains.
i could be your shadow if you just let me near, and i wish you could hear ,love was never for me that clear.
i thought it is a feeling for a need for some one or even a gift you may receive , i never thought that it is a journey not a destination , How fool i was thinking that i may find it that easy before .
Excuse my childish ideas, really you made me grow ... i became a woman only when you put your spell, when you let me see myself with your eyes,
your love is magical , it turns my dreams to reality my days to dreams , i now can't realize what is dream and what is real ...i just wake up to a dream and i sleep to meet you .
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
To My Mystery Man

And despite all of the burdens I carry day after day, I still manage to smile for the reason that one day you will come to my life & take each broken piece of my heart and put it together like a puzzle. .
Ohhhh Mystery Man, I am tired of searching, and sometimes I want to free myself of thinking of you!! But it just amazes me how the little hope of being yours one day makes life worthwhile!!
May Allah bring us together very soon. . . & till then . .
Yours forever,
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The Story

You would the reason after . . Every up and every down . .
I would tag you in my moments of sensibility . .
Monday, May 31, 2010
Brand New Start
I imagine if I have one chance to start my life from the beginning all over again, would I use it , if there is such thing , I will save it till I take all the chances and walk all distances , I may go with out fears of wasting time over bad experiences and wrong choices , I could jump into seas , I could change my mind and climb mountains.
I could listen to what ever my heart says , I could leave my common sense in a hole and forget the place , I would be braver I wouldn’t compromise my happiness .
I will save the chance of return till the late end and I will not have the time to use it then, I will die in peace as a child with a saved chance and with out regrets .
Sunday, May 30, 2010
A dream About You . .

I know it doesn’t make sense . . as I think in many things but you . .
So why your fantasy takes me away. .?! It is supposed to be my world . . !!
were the symbols are talking my language . .
Why they are always connected with your soul . . And Why I am always dreaming of you . . . !!
When I dream of you . . it seems so real, so wired, so unexpected . . . !!
I can almost touch you . . . !!
They say a dream is a wish your heart makes . .
Could this be true?!
I am supposed to spend my dreams with Mr. Right. .
Could you be the one . . . ??! O God this is not fair . . .
you don’t even care . . .
It can’t be you . . .!! It can’t be you . . .!!
I wish that I could find a way to let you know . .
You are the only one who have the key. .to unlock my mystery . . .
But You make it so uneasy when we start to talk . .
How could you be so promising in my dreams . . And so impossible in reality?!
Is it really you . . ?!
Sometimes I sense it is meant to be . . Somtimes I think that the way we can be together. .
is only in my dreams when I see you . .
or talk to you . . .
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Meeting a soul

Meeting you was very strange as if I know you for ages, I didn’t see you before, but deeply inside me you were a friend but don’t know when, I saw a devil or an angel I wasn’t sure then.
I just feel it now the energy of you.
And how strange it was when you starts to talk using language I used to hear , speaking my words , but what is this I can't hear your voice, you don’t use your lips !!
then I look into your eyes ,you took my energy away helpless I was ,you were saying me with words , swimming in my seas , invading the castle of unspoken me.
You took me with you for a walk inside me we played with my old toys and read my books, and how amazing it was, here I kept them , I told my self .
My dear you , making sense in a non sense way ,showering me with answers for questions I don’t say, leaving me confused, is it a dream or help I should scream
I just met the devil,
Then you starts the game the trick we used to play, are you okay? I tried to answer and you were not listening, you were watching me, trying to calm me and how angry I was, I don’t need games.
Then I discovered the lies, some thing in your eyes reflect my soul and I saw me for the first time and i begin to cry , I was not telling the truth , I am so weak but no one shall see this.
Then you left me Confused with the truth, but how lovely and scary seeing my real me, knowing that nothing will be the same,
Days came and went and now I used to play in my castle, opening the door for hope that you may return.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
me and you , unfair to write one story

how i could start now , from the day i see your name on my screen or the day we begin to talk , or the day you told me that you loved me , or the day i just felt that i cant let you go any more ,
ther was always something about me , knowing for sure that i have many things to give , that my heart is too precious to be given , but with you and for every day i find it not enough. you deserve much more than i could bear to give... and ( i love you) is just so simple and not enough
well i tried to keep my heart for you ,when i was a child the dream of you was my only hope and my weapon , not to give up for the easy soultion was my every day battle and my evrey day wound and pain ,
searching for you in the faces around me was confusing ,painful and hard , but the promise i mad to you in heaven was my only reason to stay strong , to stay a live
i know i didnt realize this truth in the begining , my fears controlled me and you was patient enough to protect me , to know me , to calm me and to give me the power to belive that my life time dream is coming true , with you ...
how could i even thank you , how could i love you more , my heart is so small , well i know you gave me yours befroe , i will love you with both hearts i have , mine and yours ....
You are my heaven

Missing you I sure do, counting the days to come to me filling my emptiness, painting my days with joy, how I could live with out my soul.
Love is so cruel can't stay in a heart with happiness, both are not friends. And he is not a friend of any.
And I had to choose, and I choose your love even with the pain of you away, I feel the taste of days the sour sweet drop of elixir of life.
I wonder for how long I will survive with out you. Suffering the distances, and bearing the hot tears for nights and days ….
I miss your heaven my Adam staying for life time alone in our hearts, magical what love can do with greatest fears, how it could turn loneliness into loveable time.
Ooh my love for you, and I'm still saying it is so cruel!!
I thought love will color my days , I always thought it is a sparkle in the eyes every one can see an extra heart beats pumping blood into your cheeks ,how naive I was.
The sparkle i waited for was a flame burning my heart and the extra beat was a struggle to survive your absence.
Heaven is your presence your smile your kind touch and a look to your eyes worth far much.
Yours Eve ,